Current Position
Alvei does not have a home port. We plan voyages of several months and encourage participation in the whole voyage. This gives the crew the freedom to vary the schedule from island to island as it suits them, rather than being constantly run by the need to keep a schedule for arriving and departing crew. While within an island group we may learn about places of special interest and wander off the prescribed track for a while before returning to our planned journey. That said...
During the 2020/2021 season will be sailing around New Zealand.
Sail schedules are subject to change--best to be flexible and able to go with the flow. How fast or slow we sail depends on the capability of the crew and favourable winds.
All the crew will be helping make Alvei ready for sea. Along with last minute jobs and provisioning there will be daily instruction on line handling, knot tying, setting and furling sails and watch standing.